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The iWave Air Cleaner Is The Best Option For Quality Indoor Air In Westchester

iwave-air-cleaner-westchesterFree your home from viruses, bacteria, dust, mold, and other airborne particles by installing an iWave Air Cleaner. With an iWave Air Cleaner – as professionally installed by a New York HVAC contractor – positive and negative ions are used to neutralize dangerous and unhealthy particles in the air that can be harmful. The ions stick to contaminants and allow them to be trapped by your air filter, so they are unable to pass. The active cleaning process also helps reduce smoke, pet odor, cooking odors, and other smells that are commonly found in a home.

How Does The iWave Air Cleaner Work?

The iWave Air Cleaner is installed in each air duct or air conditioner duct. As air flows through the system, the ions generated by the device reduce pathogens and allergens, creating a healthy environment. Common benefits include:

  • Kills fungi, bacteria and viruses
  • Reduces allergens, smoke and odors
  • Can be installed in every HVAC system
  • Provides continuous protection

iWave Air Cleaner’s advanced technology offers the industry’s most efficient method of air purification. Other common methods of cleaning indoor air require regular maintenance and or replacement of light bulbs and cells, so ownership is less desirable.

An iWave Air Cleaner will help you breathe easier knowing that fresh air is circulating in your home. The indoor air quality professionals at Clover Heating & Cooling can install a low-maintenance iWave Air Cleaner so you and your loved one’s can benefit from the value of clean, fresh air.

If you want to breathe cleaner air, the indoor air quality specialists at Clover Heating & Cooling are ready to install an iWave Air Cleaner in your home. With just one click or a phone call, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh air without the worries of damaging allergens and other impurities. Reach out to us today!

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If you are looking for an iWave Air Cleaner for your New York property, please call us today at 914-631-6744 or complete our online request form.

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