Attractive Westchester Humidifiers
If you want to control humidity in your New York area home, you want the right humidifier from our New York HVAC Contractor. The Honeywell Whole-House Steam Power Humidification system works effectively with your heating system but lets you control the humidity independently so you can add needed moisture to your home without turning up the heat. There are many New York Humidifiers on the market that are suited for your home.
There’s a science to managing comfort in your home, and our Westchester Humidifier contractor knows it. Each home has unique needs because every home is built differently and has different air control systems. A home where the heating or air system dries out the air too much will experience humidity levels too dry. Some homes could have high humidity levels while others can have air that’s too dry.
Besides lowering your utility bills, humidity control is essential to your health for a couple of reasons. If the relative humidity in your New York area home is below 30%, you can be uncomfortable and can suffer from dry mucus membranes, which can lead to nosebleeds and infections.
If you have children in the home, they can be especially susceptible to dry air problems, and you may not even realize that this is the reason your kids keep getting sinus infections and more. Low humidity can aggravate the symptoms of asthma too. Remember, the key is to obtain the right balance of moisture in your home’s air.
Honeywell Humidifiers
Many humidification work only when the heating system is actively running. The Honeywell Whole-House Steam Power Humidification works effectively with your heating system but lets you control the humidity independently, so you can add needed moisture to your home without turning up the heat.
Honeywell’s Steam Humidifier features a thermal switch that turns on the system fan as needed. You’ll be able to set the humidity where you like it and enjoy consistent, reliable comfort.
Even more, you’ll enjoy a clean, efficient system. The Honeywell Steam Humidification features a two-stage water treatment that eliminates scale build-up to ensure clean, reliable performance.
The Honeywell Whole-House Steam Humidifier is the perfect choice for homes requiring increased protection for wood flooring, furnishings, and decor.
Why Our New York Humidifier Contractor
Our New York Humidifier contractor provides the full range of Honeywell humidifiers. During the heating season, a whole-house humidifier is strongly recommended for several reasons. Proper moisture balance minimizes damage to the wood in your home from excessive dryness; humidifiers can help your family maintain good respiratory health, and dry air makes you feel colder than the actual thermostat setting. You can actually lower your heating bill, too, since humidified air feels warmer.
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If you are looking for New York Humidifier for your home, please call us today at 914-292-4788 or complete our online request form.